What and How is Spoof Text?

Spoof text is one topic which students of high schools should learn besides  narrative text and hortatory exposition text. Generally the students liked the type of text on this one because it has a funny and unpredictable nature. Due to the nature of this, it is often a  spoof text considered just like as jokes, humor, anecdote, parody, or funny story. What it is true existence of so? Let's continue the discussion on the definition of spoof text<

Definition and Social Function of Spoof Text

What exactly is a spoof text in the language of United Kingdom it? If we refer to some of the online dictionary, the verb spoof is defined as follows:
dictionary.cambridge.org gives the meaning of the word spoof as a noun:
a funny and silly piece of writing, music, theatre, etc. that copies the style of an original work

Merriam-webster.com defines the word spoof as a verb with the meaning:
1: deceive, hoax 2: to make good-natured fun of

Of the two famous dictionary above we find some meaning of the word spoof of "funny" and "deceive" is from a big dictionary definition 2 above we already understand what is spoof of that text? Certainly not yet in addition we may just learn that spoof have meaning as a joke and outwit.

Spoof text has a leading role as the story over the events that have happened and the story had funny nature. Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.  Spoof this is defined as text that specifies a story that has happened and the story has no end is suspected. The main goal of writing spoof text is to entertain with a funny story.

Further Priyana (2008) in the BSE Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students give a sense of the text alert as follows:
Spoof is a type of story which has a twist (the funny part in the end of the story). It contains an unpredictable event which makes the story funny.

Spoof text means a model story elements that have a twist, that is the end of the story is funny. This has to be unexpected twist so as to make the story funnier impressed. For more explanation on what and kind of twist, see below!

Generic Structure of Spoof Text

Each type of text language has a different makeup of the United Kingdom. In genres learning, knowledge of the difference is seen very schematic arrangement is necessary so that we are able to distinguish between the types of text that one with other types. For that let's see the following spoof text generic arrangement:
1. Orientation:  This paragraph contains information about the perpetrators of the story. Who is involved in the story. If the story was written the length information followed by place and time. So simply put Orientation will answer the question of who, where, and when the story was over.
2. Events: Further paragraph will contain information about anything that has happened. What are things made by the perpetrators of the story. Generally the sequence of events in the spoof text will be arranged on the timeline.
3. Twist: The last paragraph of the text was a spoof will present events or state to end the story. This is where the strength of this spoof text that end of the story must be unexpected, unawares for readers.

Viewed from the generic structure above, actually a spoof text is very similar to recount text. What sets it apart is the way the writers in the end the story. If you want to know,  read  similarities and differences between spoof and recount text

Language Feature of Spoof Text

Besides the difference in the generic structure, each type of text has difference in language feature. Spoof text has a language feature as follows:
1. Focusing on people, animals or certain things
2. Using action verb; ate, ran, etc
3. Using adverb of time and place
4. Using the simple past tense
5. Told in chronological order

The feature of language feature  is only "commonly" used. So maybe sometime we find an example spoof text containing all the linguistic features. However one time we also read  a spoof text without all the language features listed.

Types of Twist in Spoof Text

What is twist? This question is likely to answer what is the difference between recount text and spoof.  According to wikipedia, a twist ending is a plot twist occurring near or at the conclusion of a story, unexpected conclusion to a work of fiction that causes the audience to reevaluate the narrative or characters.There are three common types of twisting ending.

1. Types of Humorous Twist
Many stories have twist with a happy,amusing, or heartwarming ending. It is funny and makes readers amused. Humorous twist ending sometime is called Lighthearted twist.

2. Types of  Ironic Twist
Stories with a twist or surprise at the end do not necessarily have to have a happy ending. Many have been written that have an ironic twist. This ironic twist ending often reveal something about the darker side of human nature. Examples of these types of stories include The Necklace. In other word ironic twist is tragic.

3. Types of  Misconception Twist
A narrator who has incorrect information built around their own perception of events that they pass along can build an unpredictable ending. The ghost who doesn’t know he or she has died, the robot who feels human emotions, the narrator who does not know they are a mannequin in a store are some ways to create a twist based on faulty or withheld information. 
